Hello, My name is Ashley Yonk you can find me chatting with clients about their sessions, booking and customizing photography and sometimes behind the seconf-shooter camera. I want to start by making the clear statement that I am not a doctor, nor do I have formal naturopath training. I have been incredibly blessed to work alongside Elder of Lheidli T'enneh and Nak'azdli Band. I have also studied under Kim who has studied Naturo healing for many years.
During my first pregnancy I struggled with aches, lack of sleep, nausea, restless leg syndrome, and many more. I was lucky to have met Kim who taught me some very important things about vitamins and minerals the body uses and needs replenished, especially while bearing children. This led me down a path to research and learn more natural healing for our newborn and toddler children. I am going to share three fundamental things that will make great differences in the way you feel during pregnancy;
1) The important role of healthy salt
2) The use of calcium & magnesium
3) Taking Iodine for your mommy brain & your fetus' IQ
OH NO, did she say salt?
YUP, I did. I don't mean salt from French fries at your local fast food joint, but salt fundamental.
The doctor often tells you to make sure you water consumption goes up as you grow your child, but many do not know that water follows salt in the body.
This is how we are able to properly absorb the water we drink.
Peeing constantly?
This is a sure sign that you do not have enough healthy salt in your body.
Emotional? Crying Often?
Strangely enough this can also be a symptom of low salt. Now, I am not saying there is not reason to cry but am referring to tears at almost everything or feeling a lack of control over ones emotions.
How to Boost:
Healthy salt can be found by ordering salt rocks and dissolving them in a jar of water, placing a lid and storing. You can take this jar and boost your salt 2 times a week until you find you're not getting up to pee in the night (1 time is ok!) & you may also find that you're not crying as much.
Take a very tiny sip of the salt water & chase with water.
Do this with a timer of 15 min and do it slowly.
Option 2: Lays Classic Potato Chips (this is a fun one)
Have a palm full of lays chips and drink water after. Lays Classics are high in potassium.
Remember how we just discussed those crying episodes?
I am not necessarily saying you're crying at nothing, but when something intense or hard happens are you quick to shed tears, emotional at smaller things? This can actually be due to low salt (tears) & low magnesium (higher emotional response). Magnesium helps with MANY pregnancy symptoms beyond emotions too:
- Aches & Pains
- Restless leg
- Labor Breaks
Magnesium is paired with Calcium as precurser to all other minerals in the body. This means if you are low in any other category, you're body will use up your magnesium & calcium stores to make up for your missing minerals. If your body is taxed/exhausted you often need to boost these in your body. The best way that I have found and that is also very agreeable to OBGYNs is the use of 'Natural Calm: CalMag supplement'. It is a fizzy cold drink made from powder (superstore & your local health food store carry this) or a very nice warm beverage.
Magnesium and Calcium can also be boosted by the use of homeopathic remedies; such as, Hyland's Homeopathic or 1-800-homeopathic. I personally have used Hyland's as it is more commonly found. Ava Maria will carry other brands or you can order it off amazon (prime). I suggest having Mag Phos always in your home. Magnesium is also used up in labor and may need to be boosted after. This is the mineral that the body uses for your breaks.
Calcium is needed in higher amounts while pregnant and is used in labor for your contractions. Calcium can be boosted in the same ways as magnesium. The way to tell that you are low calcium is 1) you are not sleeping well & 2) your teeth are aching. The supplement of CalMag is the healthiest option for boosting, along with a homeopathic remedy, but one can also have a little fun with it and boost with Breyer's natural vanilla (non GMO) ice cream since a serving boasts 6%, but again, it's best to do sugary treats in moderation.
Lastly, I want to chat about the amazing power of Iodine.
Don't we get that in our food?
Interestingly enough Iodine has been removed from many of our foods. You can make your own inquiries of that, but we need it & even more so our growing fetus needs it. Iodine will help greatly with what they call 'mommy brain' or being 'foggy brained'.
Iodine can be ordered and added to water and is flavorless. It can also be rubbed on your tummy, breasts and feet. Iodine's greatest benefit, as found in the 2019 study, "Association of Maternal Iodine Status With Child IQ: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data" from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & metabolism is the statistically proven fact that it increases a fetus' IQ by over 20 points, especially when looking at verbal IQ. I have greatly seen this in each child. With my first, I was the most adamant in my Iodine schedule and Ember Evans has the craziest vocabulary (sometimes it's too good, if you know what I mean (*cough* sass *cough*)).
Iodine can also be rubbed on the feet of your newborn & if your child has a hematoma it can be used to reduce and heal. With Ember, it sped up the healing process of her hematoma next to her left ear.
I know I discussed Ember's pregnancy most over the three, this is because my first pregnancy is when my body was at it's worse with health and I had little knowledge beforehand regarding natural healing techniques.
With Harper Lee (my second), I was able to apply my knowledge. These techniques, along with many others, allowed me to workout until 7 month pregnant and maintain a healthier physical body. With Jack, I was able to do the same, but needed much less intervention in regards to mineral intake. With all three pregnancies, iron deficiency was also an issue.
Briefly, here are the best and most effective forms of boosting your iron:
1) If your doctor prescribes an iron supplement, make sure to take it with VIT C, as it will not properly absorb without it #4
2) Order an iron powder and put it into smoothies #2
3) Pressed Iron powder tablets #3
4) Liver #1
PS. Magnesium also works amazing for constipation, which is bound to happen with prescription iron...
Thank you for reading my post. I hope these remedies work for your pregnancy & we were able to assist our mama clients with more than just their beautiful photos.
ash yonk
customer service, second shooter & mother
I am not a trained naturopath or doctor. I have learned my techniques from inspiring women & backed them up with research studies.